Mind Radio: Wild Metaphysics

Wild Metahphysics - fragment of work by Nathalie Bruys.

Wild Metahphysics – fragment of work by Nathalie Bruys.

To look at a pine tree means to turn into one. 

Wild Metaphysics was a group project curated at Kunsthuis SYB in 2008, featuring an evening programme and radio show in which strange data and entrancing theories were kindly invited to run rampant.

For  Wild Metaphysics, experts from the field of parapsychology were being paired up with artists. On three consecutive Friday evenings, lectures and workshops open to the public were offered. The information presented during these meetings served as input for the artists. The resulting groupshow opened on April 25th. Evening programs were followed by a live radio broadcast featuring interviews and radioplays.

Jan Robert Leegte, Egle Budvytyte, Nathalie Bruys, Richard Neef, Cindy Moorman, Stichting Hobbyrock, Nyk de Vries, Barbera Stok.

Radioshows broadcast on:
Radio Superstar, Radio Eenhoorn, AssenFM, ColoradoFM.

The evening programs:
28 march: Naked Coincidence. Presentiment and Synchronicity. Eva Lobach (presentiment project, UvA), Hans Gerding (Philosopher, UL).
4 April: To look at a pine tree means to become a pine tree. Cinema, magic, and identification. Hein van Dongen (philopsher, UL) , Dick Wernars (hypnosis-expert).
11 April: Subtle Bodies. radiësthesia and the energetic experience of spaces. Erik Kasteleyn (naturopath, geologist, founder or the Academy for Integral Radiesthesia).